Wine Lovers in the Making

A few Members have asked us if we would host an evening for the ‘wine lovers in the making’ – something relaxed and informal, that offers a insight into what they are drinking, and what to look for when tasting.

Whether they are becoming inquisitive at dinner as you pour a glass, or want to introduce them to the world of wine, do put Friday 10th January in their diaries.

We invite the next generation (over the age of 18!) who are interested in learning about wine, and what to look for when tasting, to the St James’s Room with one of our brilliant sommeliers for a very lighthearted yet informative evening.

We also invite them to bring a guest on us as, rule number one, sometimes it’s all about the company…

Friday 10th January
St James’s Room
18:30 – welcome drink to be served
19:00 – seated Masterclass to begin
£50.00 admits two

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