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early birds…ladies coffee morning

On the morning of every third Thursday of the month, we invite you to the Chapel to, very simply, meet other ladies at the Club. These mornings will be held in the Chapel, and occasionally we will welcome a ‘hostess’ to discuss an area of interest with our Members, and on the other occasions, we make the morning open for all.

On 17th January, we start the year with an open invitation to the Chapel, to meet over coffee and a light, casual breakfast as chosen by our chefs. You may have attended, or wanted to attend our Ladies’ Socials in the Club previously, but we completely appreciate that for some Members, the mornings are a little more viable…

The more the merrier, so please do invite any friends who you think may wish to join you at the Club.

Thursday 17th January
9:30am – 11:00am
The Chapel in the Clubroom
£25.00 per ticket

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